Inkpot Alchemy

Dijanne Cevaal and Cheryl Cook

You will be creating your own natural inks made from ‘place’. 

Using harvested vegetation from your garden or surroundings you can tell the stories of your environment.  You will be using this vegetation to create inks and printing inks that can be used in a number of ways which will be explored in the workshop.  Consider the joy of using paper, cotton, khadi cotton, hessian, 100% natural fibres to create beautiful printed and naturally coloured art fabrics and art pieces.  It is a bright exciting way to connect with places of the heart. This art approach can represent beliefs in how we live and interact with our surroundings.

The techniques explored will include ink making, lino cutting, stitching, painting with inks, and nature printing.  You shall be taking home delightful outcomes such as:

  • Knowledge of the Inkpot Process

  • Inks to take home

  • Printing inks to take home

  • Linocuts for further use

  • Fabrics to take home

  • Stitching process and Ideas

  • Appreciation of Ecological Ethics  

See Student Requirement List

Class Fee



Residential Shared Residential Single Non-residential

$840 $945 $365

*Please note all meals are included for residential participants.

Only lunch & morning/afternoon tea included for non-residential participants

All prices include access to talks, activities and dinner on Party Night*

Enrol Now

We have such fun!

We have taken the natural Inks that Cheryl developed for her own work and study and applied them to various textile techniques with often surprising and exciting results. They are incredibly adaptable and continually offer surprises with their interactions with various mordants and modifiers or simply with each other. The methods we are using also fit in with our shared philosophy around ecology, the environment, sustainability and experimenting and yes, a bit of witchery in stirring the cauldrons (or inkpots).  We have both incorporated our artistic processes and practices around natural inks into our finished work.  Works which are of place and pay homage to the natural world around us.

We want to share that excitement with you, and share some of our observations and experiments.  We hope we will encourage you to become your own alchemist.  We are mad keen mind mappers and have mapped various avenues of thought around the use of natural inks and our creative practice and that also helps with collaborating as we each bring different expertise to the arena.


Carolyn Bond


Teresa Dair